Monday, November 10, 2008

It's November!

We had a truly delightful day yesterday. We're back to having some nice weather again, so Guy and I took the boys to a nearby playground in the morning. They had a blast, Christian started out by climbing along all the tires, up and down, up and down. After a while, I joined him. He took a look at how I was able to walk them, jumping from each one to the other and within a few minutes, he had the hang of it too. He's a fast learner. Connor meanwhile was enjoying all of his Daddy's attention on the swings and the slides.

We let Daddy have some alone time to watch the Patriots play in the afternoon. I took the boys back out to another nearby park where we spent a few hours. It was just gorgeous and there were so many people out and about walking & playing. We brought Christian's race car with us, which he thought was great! He had such a good time riding it fast. Connor had his bike, but grew tired of it quickly. He doesn't pedal yet, so his feet have to go very fast to I can see why he got tired. Next time I'll bring his stroller and perhaps a smaller bike that can fit underneath.

We're off to pick up Christian at school!

*Playing outdoors for hours yesterday.
*Quality family time.
*Having a break of my own this morning while both boys were in school. It's a rare occurrence.

Playing is tough work. Christian taking a break.

Christian thoroughly enjoyed playing on the tires.

Daddy giving Connor a helping hand.

Connor and Christian playing on a train in the afternoon.

The Conductor!

The trees in our back yard are almost bare now.
The grass is covered in them and we are able to see the golf course again.


nikki said...

great playground! where was it? love the pics :)