Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

The kids had an interesting evening, they were very excited about trick - or - treating. We waited for Daddy to get home from work and very soon after, they were ready. Christian was Thomas the Train, Connor was a Cow. Connor was randomly saying "Happy Halloween!" all day long, it was cute. He's starting to get it.

While Daddy was still getting ready, the boys and I brought the pumpkins to the end of the driveway. Those of you who know our house, know what a long driveway we have. Add to it no street lights in our development and makes the walk to our house even harder. So, we put our pumpkins at the end of the drive near the street and place a bowl of candy out with them. Christian rode his race car and pulled the pumpkins in the wagon, to the end of the drive. Very important job. Soon enough they were lit and we were off.

There were actually a ton of trick or treaters out in our neighborhood. Half of the houses have very long driveways, but we all made the trek to those with lights on. Many houses were really decked out too. Those who know Christian know that he's not really a big fan of candy. He only likes a few things, but even then it's still not his favorite. I find that amazing because I love sugar candy and Guy loves chocolate. Connor, on the other hand is the exact opposite and loves all types of candy, sugar and chocolate. He just loves food.

So this leads me to my favorite event of the night. After about 4 houses, Christian was already feeling done with this whole trick or treat thing. We literally had to make Christian get out of the wagon to trick or treat at this one house. He rings the doorbell, a man answers and Christian says 'trick or treat.' Connor is just standing there, eagerly awaiting his new treat. So, the man offers his bowl to them and Christian looks at him like he has 5 heads, and says "I don't want any candy." I think the man was a bit confused and surprised. After all, who doesn't want any candy on Halloween? Meanwhile, Connor is helping himself. The man offers Christian an apple instead, to which Christian is like "No" (A.K.A. that's pretty much poison to him.) So Connor ended up with 2 apples and a ton of candy from this man and Christian just retreated back to his wagon. It was nice of the man, but at the same time, it weighed Connor's pumpkin down a ton, but there was no way Connor would part with them either. In Connor's mind, this indeed has to be the best night of his life so far. He has learned a new and easy way to get candy! He was in heaven upon getting home and dumping out his loot...actually seeing what he got!

By the way, Christian and Guy went home slightly earlier and Connor and I continued along the street. Every house we'd pass Connor would say "How about that one" as not to skip any potential treat. Christian pretty much rode around in the wagon all night and Connor walked most of the driveways and up and down the street. I was amazed that he could keep going. He ought to sleep well tonight.

*Lots and lots of Halloween Candy, mostly for Guy and I to eat.
*Great Trick or Treat weather.

Getting ready to go out.

Connor hitting up our own stash before leaving.

Walking down a driveway.

The boys getting ready to bring the pumpkins down to the end of the driveway.

Christian has the wagon hitched up to his car.

Our four glowing jack o'lanterns.

Yesterday at Gymnastics they wore their costumes for a few minutes in the beginning and had a little parade and class picture. He takes the class with his friends, Rachel and Sarah in the pink and red Spanish Dancer dresses. Between dressing up at gymnastics, at school today for a party and tonight, I think Christian is all done with this holiday for another year.

Here's a sweater that I just finished for Joann's new baby Zachary.

The buttons all have puppy dogs and bones on them.

They love dogs so I thought it was fitting. It ought to keep him nice and warm.