Monday, October 27, 2008

Today Connor Was A Cow

Connor had his drop off class this morning and we were told to send them in their Halloween costumes. He was very excited to put on his cow costume this morning. I had also bought him a pirate costume, to which he looked at last night and told me "No Mama." He wouldn't even try it on. The pirate costume was cute, but I suppose in all fairness that he really doesn't know what a pirate is. He does however know what a cow is, and he consistently "Moo'd" his way thru the day. He kept saying, "I'm a boy, I'm a cow." I'm not sure he knew what he really was, but he stayed in costume for most of the day. I couldn't get it off him.

He had a great day at his school. I think that he's settling into it now that it's part of his routine. He really loves Kelly. Today he walked right in, saw her, got excited and hurried right over to her and plopped down next to her on the floor. I left with no problems at all & no crying. Yea. Separation is getting easier.

Heidi and I and the boys walked to the park this afternoon. The weather was glorious. We spent much of the afternoon outside and all the boys got out tons of energy. James and Cooper were super cute. When Connor finally made it down the twirly slide himself, they were at the bottom cheering him on. They did it all by themselves, like they knew that he needed the extra encouragement. It was an interesting moment for me to take in, where all three of them, the 2 & 3 year olds, seemed much older than their age.

Christian, Connor, James & Cooper

Connor taking a bit of a break at the playground earlier today.

Check out the size of the leaf Heidi is holding. Where on earth did that come from?
Keegan is on her back, taking everything in. He's such a sweet baby.

Have I mentioned how much Christian likes to cook? He spent several hours over the weekend practicing. He's content for hours just mixing his own ingredients, sugar, flour, salt, an egg or two, and whatever extra spices I feel like giving him from the cabinet. He does cooking at school and I think that is what is triggering his certainly doesn't come from me! Maybe he gets it from his daddy. Daddy took time this weekend to make a few pretzels with Christian, which he loved making & then he devoured them.

*Perfect weather, enough said.
*Connor is settling in at school.
*Shopping time alone today for just a little bit....long enough to make a difference.