Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day Trip into Boston

We had a lazy first half of our day, just taking our time getting going. Sunday mornings are great for that. Guy let me sleep in and once I was up and going, the boys and I headed outside. We spent a while in the hot tub, which was totally relaxing. It was a perfect day. After the hot tub, the boys went off to play in their kiddie pools and with hoses. The hoses seem to entertain them for hours. Luckily we have two close to each other, so they each get their own in the same area. (No fighting!!) Guy came out to join us and he did a bunch of yard work.
By mid afternoon we were ready for a change, so we headed out to do an errand. Once we were out and about, Guy had the idea to head into town to the Frog Pond. We do go there fairly often, and last time Christian was itching to get in the water, as he had done last summer. Today we didn't have swim suits, but I always have plenty of extra clothes in the car so that worked perfect for them. They were having a blast splashing around with loads of other kids until a guard told Christian "No Running" which somewhat scared him. After that he wanted to leave.
We eventually got them changed and took a stroll over to the public gardens to see the Swan Boats. There were plenty of people around, taking advantage of the great weather. The boys liked watching the ducks and ducklings in the water. Soon thereafter we headed back to our car to go home. Equally eventful for the kiddos is the ride to and from the city, driving thru the tunnels which just make their eyes sparkle. Guy even commented that we could just do that all day, drive around thru the different tunnels and they'd be just as happy at the end of the day. Oh, to be a little boy!
*Sleeping in......oh how I love sleep! :-)
*Playing with the boys outside in the morning
*Watching Christian and Connor's faces and smiles as we drove thru the Boston Tunnels
*Having family time

Connor playing this morning

Christian making a river in the mud with his hose

The boys helping Daddy out with his yard work

Walking thru the Gardens

The boys and I playing in Frog Pond

A beautiful tree near the Swan Boats

The Swan Boats

Connor getting a ride from Daddy

Connor and Daddy checking out the ducks

The hydrangeas in my yard