Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Connor learned a new trick today

As luck would have it, today Connor learned a new trick. Up until now, he has been a champion sleeper (except for one recent night on the Cape!!!). He goes to bed fairly easy, even for naps. Well, today I put him in and I knew that he was pretty exhausted. I thought that he had gone to sleep, as all was quiet upstairs. Christian was settled with a movie, and I went to the basement to clean up some glass that had fallen. I wasn't down there 10 minutes when I heard a lot of footsteps above my head, then just seconds later, a little voice was coming down the basement steps to greet me "All done nap Mama, all done nap Mama." We officially have a crib climber outer.

I guess we'll just have to see what develops over the next few days, if he continues the pattern or if it was just a one time deal. He might be making the big leap to the toddler bed soon. Christian was a climber, but he never attempted to climb out of his crib. Then I hit the jackpot when I transitioned him to his toddler, then big boy bed. I feared that he'd never stay in it long, but from day one, once he got into it, he never got out on his own. He'd just call or cry for us to come to him. I was amazed. For someone who didn't follow too many rules, that was a blessing. I'm not so sure I'll have such an easy time with Connor. He's got his own agenda. We'll see.

Today we had Lucy over in the morning for a little while, then we ran some errands. In the afternoon, Heidi, James, Cooper and Keegan came to play. My boys were a little wound up. We couldn't help but wonder if the full moon last night had something to do with how everyone was playing today.


*Hearing Connor tell me in his sweet voice that he decided he was done napping. As much as I want him to sleep, it was somewhat amusing.

*We passed the week milestone of Christian wearing under ware to bed and he's been successful in staying dry. Yippee!! I had doubts the day would ever come.

*Hanging out with a new friend and finding humor what the little boys do......sometimes, even if it's not so humorous.