Thursday, July 10, 2008

Heading to the Cape

Today we really did have a wonderful day. We started off the day with a trip to the bookstore. The boys were quite disappointed to find out that the train table had been taken away. However, they were easily amused picking out books and sitting to read them. Christian of course picked out 5 Thomas books that he wanted to buy, but we were able to leave the store with only one Thomas book each. On the way out of the store Christian spied Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, a book that he absolutely loves from school, so he was able to convince me to purchase it also.

Shortly thereafter, we headed back to the Cape to meet up with Niamh and Lucas. We had a terrific visit, I think the boys all enjoyed each other. First we went to the playground in the center of Falmouth, then we strolled around. Niamh and I found lovely earrings for a great buy! Next we stopped for ice cream, then we headed back to the campground to change. Then it was off to the beach. It was quite the windy day at the beach with big rolling waves and a cool, but perfect breeze. We stayed for almost an hour. She's flying home tomorrow and we'll miss them.

Now we are at Grammie and Grampy's house. They got their first ice cream from the local ice cream truck driving by in the neighborhood tonight. They played with Brian for a while and now they are all settled in and fast asleep. They need their rest because I know that tomorrow will be another fun filled, nonstop, summer Cape day!

*Seeing Niamh again and meeting Lucas while he was awake :-)
*Strolling around Falmouth
*Watching Connors eyes light up when he was sharing his popsicle with Grampy!
* Seeing how much Christian enjoys playing with Brian

Niamh and Lucas

Connor at the Beach in Falmouth

We think Lucas enjoyed being in the middle, esp. with that Orange ball!

Us back at the campground